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Seniors, Happiness, and Gratitude

Senior Happiness and Grattitude

The way we live our lives can make us happier or bring us down. We all have different ways of coping with the changes that come with aging. Some people focus on finding new hobbies, some on eating healthy, exercising, traveling and others on treating themselves to a lot of rest or relaxation.

The world of senior living can be full of joy, gratitude, and happiness. But it can also be a place fraught with sadness, loneliness, confusion, uncertainty and even depression. Faithful Home Care Solutions – Aging Gracefully believes the aging process can be a beautiful thing — for all people. But for others, it’s a time of fear and sadness. For those who lose their spouse or parent, or have debilitating health problems that make daily life difficult, getting older can be a burden. This is when we turn to our loved ones and other professionals for support. But how can we help them? Gratitude, happiness, planning and preparation are key ingredients in the recipe for a long and healthy life for our seniors.

Here’s how we can help seniors live with more happiness, less sadness, and more gratitude.

  • Tell them how much they mean to you.

    It’s important to tell someone how much they mean to you. If they’re not around, it’s even more crucial that you remind yourself of the things they did for you and how they helped to make your life better. When you’re visiting your elderly or sickly loved ones, make sure they know how much you love them and appreciate all they’ve done for you over the years! Say “I Love You” every day.

  • Help them prepare and plan for aging.

    There are many things to get in order, prior to requesting home care. For instance, let Faithful Home Care Solutions sit down with you and your loved ones to conduct an Aging Gracefully comprehensive assessment of your healthcare benefits, insurance policies, create your estate plan documents and end-of-life blueprint. It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3.

  • Help them with their daily activities.

    One of the best ways that we can help our loved ones is by helping them with their activities of daily living. Maybe it’s getting groceries or cleaning up after dinner so that they don’t have to do it themselves or taking them on a trip to see extended family (grandchildren or grandchildren-to-be!) Whatever it is, if there are any opportunities for them to help out around the house or just by being there in general, take advantage of the opportunity!

    Help with activities of daily living (ADLs) like bathing and dressing for seniors in need of assistance. You might have noticed that your parents are getting more forgetful or falling more often than usual. This is because their brains are slowing down as well as their bodies! They may also be getting more irritable or having trouble sleeping at night. By helping out with ADLs, such as bathing and dressing, you can help keep them safe at home rather than needing to go into nursing homes or other facilities. See assistance from a professional.

  • Encourage them in any way possible.

    Take your loved one(s) out to lunch or dinner once in a while so they can socialize with other people their age who aren’t sick or disabled or watch their grandchildren grow up too quickly!

  • Ask about the senior’s interests and hobbies.

    Seniors are often creative people who like to pursue their interests, whether it’s gardening or knitting, or playing cards. If you ask, they may be able to tell you more about what they enjoy. Have them partake in planning activities, such as, planning a family vacation, weddings, milestone birthday parties. Remember they were once young, worked in leadership roles, oversaw large budgets, ran households and practiced other professional responsibilities.

  • Don’t try to force them into doing anything or feeling anything they don’t want to feel.

    It may seem like a good idea at the time, but if you do this, then your loved one will resent you for trying to control their emotions and thoughts. This can cause more harm than good because it will make them even more withdrawn which means they won’t be able to deal with their loss properly either. Instead, let them be themselves while still being there for them when they need someone else most. Keep in mind, it’s hard losing your indepedence

  • Don’t wait for seniors to ask for help.

    If you have an elderly relative or grandparent who seems depressed or anxious, take action right away by asking what you can do for them. You may be surprised by how quickly they respond when someone reaches out to them and asks how they are doing.

  • Support their health goals by checking in on them regularly (and telling them what you see).

    You may be thinking that it’s too late for you to make a difference in your senior health, but it’s never too late! A little bit of effort every day can go a long way toward helping improve your senior health. Seniors need to know that their loved ones are aware of the changes they’re experiencing and what they need to do about them. By checking in with them regularly, you can make sure that they’re doing OK and staying safe

    If you want your seniors happy until the end of their life, make an effort to focus on their happiness to maintain their gratitude. You will be surprised at how much it can improve mental well-being and change life perceptions to lead a long and healthy life.

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